What is friend function and friend classes in c++

What is friend function and friend classes in c++

Introduction to friend function and friend classes in c++ :-


In the realm of C++ programming, the concept of friendship extends beyond human connections. C++ introduces the powerful concepts of friend functions and friend classes, allowing certain entities to break the barriers of encapsulation and access private members of a class. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to understand the nuances of friend functions and friend classes, exploring how they foster unique relationships within our C++ programs.

Friend Functions:

Friend functions in C++ are functions that are not members of a class but are granted special access to its private and protected members. These functions can be standalone or belong to other classes. To declare a function as a friend, we use the friend keyword in the class declaration.

example:-  write a program using friend function in c++:-

class MyClass {
    int privateData;
    MyClass(int data) : privateData(data) {}
    // Declaration of a friend function
    friend void displayPrivateData(const MyClass& obj);
// Definition of the friend function
void displayPrivateData(const MyClass& obj) {
    cout << "Private Data: " << obj.privateData << endl;
int main() {
    MyClass myObject(42);
    // Calling the friend function
    return 0;

Friend Classes:

Friendship in C++ doesn't stop at functions; it extends to entire classes. A friend class is a class that is granted access to the private and protected members of another class. Similar to friend functions, we use the friend keyword in the class declaration to establish a friendship.

example:-  write a program using friend class in c++:-

class FriendClass;
class MyClass {
    int privateData;
    MyClass(int data) : privateData(data) {}
    // Declaration of a friend class
    friend class FriendClass;
class FriendClass {
    void accessPrivateData(const MyClass& obj) {
        cout << "Friend Class accessing private data: " << obj.privateData << endl;
int main() {
    MyClass myObject(42);
    FriendClass friendObject;
 // Friend class accessing private data
    return 0;

When to Use Friend Functions and Friend Classes:

Enhancing Encapsulation:

Friend functions and classes are used when there's a need to access private members of a class without compromising encapsulation. This helps in maintaining data integrity while allowing specific external entities to interact with the class.

Solving Complex Problems:

Friendship can be beneficial when dealing with complex algorithms or operations that require direct access to private members. It provides a clean and organized way to implement functionality that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Building Collaborative Designs:

Friend functions and classes are especially useful in collaborative software development, where different components or modules need to interact closely while keeping their internal implementations hidden.


In the world of C++, friendship is a unique and powerful concept. Friend functions and friend classes provide a controlled mechanism to share the secrets of a class while maintaining the integrity of its encapsulation. While their use should be approached with caution to avoid compromising the principles of object-oriented design, understanding the art of friendship in C++ can open doors to elegant and efficient solutions in your programming endeavors. Embrace the power of friendship wisely, and let your code flourish with newfound connections

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